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미국 종교사 수업 계획서

by 방가房家 2023. 4. 16.

티사 웬거 선생이 이번 학기에 진행하는 미국종교사 세미나 계획표이다. 내가 듣게 될 수업은 아니다. 이번이 수업 듣는 학기가 아니라 참여하지 않지만, 듣는 학기였다면 내용상으로나 수강 기호상 들을 가능성이 컸을 것이다. 미국 종교사 수업이 어떤 내용으로 구성되는지 관심이 많아서 선생님한테 특별히 부탁해서 받아본 실라부스 내용이다.

젊은 교수가 처음으로 대학원 수업을 맡은 만큼 빡빡하게 열심히도 짜 놓았다. 분량상 강의 계획 부분만 올려 놓긴 했는데, 과제 지정한 부분을 보면 책 골라 서평하기, 자기가 계획해 실라부스 짜기, 페이퍼 제출 등 다양한 과제들이 있다. 게다가 발표를 맡은 주에는 필수 도서 이외에도 참고 도서를 모두 읽고 내용을 소개하게 되어 있는데 이 또한 부담이 되어 보인다. 대개 한 주에 필수도서 한 권과 참고도서 서너권을 할당해 놓았기에, 발표를 맡으면 발표자가 둘이라도 한명당 세 권 정도를 읽고 준비해야 한다는 말이 된다. 조금 강도가 떨어지는 부분이라면 보통 매주 내는 보고서(그 주의 읽을거리에 대한 critical or reflective paper)를 내는 대신에 읽은 책에 대한 핵심적인 질문 한 두 개를 수업 웹 사이트에 올리게 되어 있는 것.

책을 살펴보지는 않았지만 얇은 책들은 아닐텐데 매주 기본으로 한 권 이상씩 읽어내고 부가적인 과제를 해야하니 학생들 뼈빠질게다. 선생이 실라부스에 “heavy reading course"라고 써 놓은 걸 보면 미국애들한테도 만만한 양은 아닌 듯 보인다. 친절하게도 수업에서 지정된 책들을 단어 하나하나 다 읽으라고 요구하는 게 아니고 저자의 문제의식과 방법을 중심으로 맥을 짚어 독서하는 ”the art of careful skimming"이 요구된다고 써 놓았다. 너무 좋은 말이고 백번 찬성하지만 아직은 먼 얘기이다. 휙휙 일어가야 한다는 것을 알면서도, 세부를 자세히 들여다보는 게 불필요한 것을 알면서도, 자주 문장을 “해석”하고 앉아있는 내 자신을 한심하게 생각한 게 어디 한두번이어야지.

미국종교사를 제대로 알고싶다는 생각은 진작부터 하고 있었다. 자체로서 흥미롭고, 한국의 종교지형과 밀접히 상관되고, 그렇게 중요한데도 불구하고 우리나라 사람들중에 제대로 공부한 사람 거의 없고, 내가 처해있는 상황에서 공부하기 좋은 분야이고, 내 논문작업과 상관되는 부분 많고... 이유는 다양하다. 실라부스를 얻어 좋은 책들 뭉탱이로 알게되어 기쁘다. 이번 학기에 시간 내어 두어권 정도를 정독을 했으면 좋겠다.

Required Texts

You will most likely want all these books in your library eventually, but if you are not able to purchase them all this semester, you can get by with reading some of them on reserve at Hayden Library. You may either check out recommended books from the library or borrow them from me.
Out of Print (Read on library reserve or purchase used online. Try bookfinder.com, Amazon.com, or isbndb.com).
Robert Baird, Religion in America (New York, 1845). Subsequent editions OK, but take note of when printed.
Sidney Mead, The Lively Experiment (Harper & Row, 1963)
William Warren Sweet, The Story of Religions in America (1930)
Available at the ASU Bookstore
Diana Eck, A New Religious America: How a “Christian Country” Has Now Become the World’s Most Religiously Diverse Nation (HarperSanFrancisco, 2001)
Timothy Fulop and Albert J. Raboteau, eds., African-American Religion: Interpretive Essays in History and Culture (Routledge, 1997)
David Hall, ed, Lived Religion in America (Princeton University Press, 1997)
R. Laurence Moore, Religious Outsiders and the Making of Americans (Oxford University Press, 1986)
R. Laurence Moore, Selling God: American Religion in the Marketplace of Culture (Oxford University Press, 1994)
Jonathan Sarna, ed., Minority Faiths and the American Protestant Mainstream (University of Illinois Press, 1997)
Harry Stout and D. G. Hart, eds, New Directions in American Religious History (Oxford University Press, 1997)
Thomas Tweed, ed., Retelling U.S. Religious History (University of California Press, 1997)
Manuel Vasquez and Marie Friedmann Marquandt, Globalizing the Sacred: Religion Across the Americas (Rutgers University Press, 2003)
R. Stephen Warner and Judith Wittner, Gatherings in Diaspora: Religious Communities and the New Immigration (Temple University Press, 1998)

Course Schedule

Jan. 20: Introduction
Required Readings:
“Introduction” and “Studies of Religion in American Society,” in Stout & Hart
“Introduction: Narrating U.S. Religious History,” in Tweed
Jan. 27: Special Guest, R. Laurence Moore. Class meets from 1:40-6:00 today.
1:40-2:50: Seminar discussion
3:00-4:30: R. Laurence Moore colloquium, ECA 385
4:45-6:00: Moore will join us for a concluding discussion
Required Readings:
R. Laurence Moore, Religious Outsiders and the Making of Americans (Oxford, 1986)
R. Laurence Moore, Selling God: American Religion in the Marketplace of Culture (New York: Oxford University Press, 1994)

Part One: Traditional Narratives

Feb. 3: American Church History and Religious Freedom
Required Reading:
Robert Baird, Religion in America
Recommended Reading:
Jerald Brauer, “Changing Perspectives on Religion in America,” in Reinterpretation in American Church History, ed. Jerald Brauer (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1968), 1-28.
Daniel Dorchester, Christianity in the United States (New York, 1890).
Philip Schaff, “Religious Vitality and Church-State Separation,” in Major Problems in American Religious History, ed. Patrick Allitt (Houghton Mifflin, 2000), 2-6.
Feb. 10: American Exceptionalism and the Frontier Thesis
Required Reading:
William Warren Sweet, The Story of Religions in America
Recommended Reading:
Sidney Mead, “Professor Sweet’s Religion and Culture in America; a Review Article,” Church History 22 (March, 1953): 35. (Available through PCI Full Text. See ASU library’s e-journals page).
Peter G. Mode, The Frontier Spirit in American Christianity (New York: The Macmillan Company, 1923). If available.
Feb. 17: From Puritanism to Pluralism
***Book review due.***
Required Reading:
Sidney Mead, The Lively Experiment
Recommended Reading:
Sydney Ahlstrom, A Religious History of the American People, 2nd edition (Yale University Press, 2004)
Martin Marty, “Reinterpreting American Religious History in Context,” in Reinterpretation in American Church History, ed. Jerald Brauer (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1968), 195-218.
John Wilson, Religion and the American Nation: Historiography and History (University of Georgia Press, 2003)

Part Two: Challenging Traditional Narratives

Feb. 24: Engaging the Mainstream
Required Reading:
Jonathan Sarna, ed., Minority Faiths and the American Protestant Mainstream
R. Laurence Moore, Religious Outsiders and the Making of Americans (review from discussion on Jan. 27)
Recommended Reading:
David Hollinger, “Jewish Intellectuals and the De-Christianization of American Public Culture in the Twentieth Century,” in Stout & Hart.
R. Laurence Moore, “Religious Outsiders and ‘Civil Religion,’” in Major Problems in American Religious History, ed. Patrick Allitt.
Catherine Albanese, America: Religions and Religion, third edition (Wadsworth, 1999)
March 3: Women, Men, and the Lens of Gender
Required Reading:
Ann Braude, “Women’s History Is American Religious History,” in Tweed.
Susan Juster, “The Spirit and the Flesh: Gender, Language, and Sexuality in American Protestantism,” in Stout & Hart.
Ann Taves, “Feminization Revisited,” in Margaret Bendroth and Virginia Brereton, Women and Twentieth-Century Protestantism (University of Illinois Press, 2002). (to be distributed in class)
Recommended Reading:
Gail Bederman, 'The Women Have Had Charge of the Church Work Long Enough': The Men and Religion Forward Movement of 1911-1912 and the Masculinization of Middle-Class Protestantism,” in American Quarterly 41:3 (1989) 432-465. (See library e-journals).
Margaret Bendroth and Virginia Brereton, eds., Women and Twentieth-Century Protestantism (University of Illinois Press, 2002).
Stephen Boyd, W. Merle Longwood, and Mark Muesse, eds., Redeeming Men: Religion and Masculinities (Westminster John Knox Press, 1996).
March 10: African-American Religion and the Lens of Race
Required Reading:
Timothy Fulop and Albert J. Raboteau, African-American Religion: Interpretive Essays in History and Culture
Recommended Reading:
Tracy Fessenden, “Race,” in Philip Goff and Paul Harvey, eds., Themes in Religion and American Culture (The University of North Carolina Press, 2004).
Judith Weisenfeld, “On Jordan’s Stormy Banks: Margins, Centers, and Bridges in African American Religious History,” in Stout & Hart
Milton Sernett, Afro-American Religious History, 2nd ed. (Duke, 2000)
March 24: Immigration and the Lens of Ethnicity
****Review essay proposal due.****
Required Reading:
R. Stephen Warner and Judith Wittner, Gatherings in Diaspora: Religious Communities and the New Immigration (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1998)
Recommended Reading:
Jay P. Dolan, “The Immigrants and Their Gods: A New Perspective in American Religious History,” Church History 57 (March 1988): 61-72. (See e-journals).
John Higham, “Ethnicity and American Protestants: Collective Identity in the Mainstream,” in Stout and Hart.
Martin Marty, “Ethnicity: The Skeleton of Religion in America,” Church History 41 (March 1972): 5-21. (See e-journals).
Roberto Trevino, “Ethnicity,” in Philip Goff and Paul Harvey, eds., Themes in Religion and American Culture (The University of North Carolina Press, 2004).
March 31: World Religions and the Lens of Pluralism
Required Reading:
Diana Eck, A New Religious America: How a “Christian Country” Has Now Become the World’s Most Religiously Diverse Nation (HarperSanFrancisco, 2001)
Recommended Reading:
Jacob Neusner, ed., World Religions in America (WJK, 1994)
Diana Eck and the Pluralism Project, On Common Ground: World Religions in America(Columbia, 1997)

Part Three: Other Contemporary Approaches

April 7: Lived Religion and the Lens of Practice
Required Reading:
David Hall, ed, Lived Religion in America (Princeton University Press, 1997).
Recommended Reading:
Colleen McDannell, Material Christianity, especially the introduction
Colleen McDannell, ed., Religions of the United States in Practice, 2 vols., (Princeton University Press, 2001).
April 14: Cultural Geography and the Lens of Region
Required Reading:
Donald Mathews, “’Christianizing the South’—Sketching a Synthesis,” in Stout & Hart.
Laurie Maffly-Kipp, “Eastward Ho! American Religion from the Perspective of the Pacific Rim,” in Tweed.
William Westfall, “Voices from the Attic: The Canadian Border and the Writing of American Religious History,” in Tweed.
Recommended Reading:
Phyllis Airhart, “As Canadian as Possible Under the Circumstances’: Reflections on the Study of Protestantism in North America,” in Stout & Hart
Catherine Albanese, “Appalachian Religion,” in America: Religions and Religion
Bret Carroll, The Routledge Atlas of Religion in America (Routledge, 2000)
Gaustad and Barlow, New Historical Atlas of Religion in America (Oxford, 2001)
Philip Goff, “Diversity and Region,” in Philip Goff and Paul Harvey, eds., Themes in Religion and American Culture (University of North Carolina Press, 2004).
H. Richard Niebuhr, “America’s Geographical Diversity Encourages Numerous Religious Denominations,” in Major Problems in American Religious History, ed. Patrick Allitt (Houghton Mifflin, 2000)
April 21: Religion in the Americas: The Lenses of Hemisphere and Globalization
Required Reading:
Manuel Vasquez and Marie Friedmann Marquandt, Globalizing the Sacred: Religion Across the Americas (New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 2003)
Editorial statements and information on African-American Religion: A Documentary History Project, eds. Albert J. Raboteau and David Wills, at http://www.amherst.edu/~aardoc/menu.html.
Recommended Reading:
Luis Leon, La Llorona’s Children: Religion, Life, and Death in the U.S.-Mexican Borderlands (University of California Press, 2004).
Anna Peterson, Manuel Vasquez, and Philip Williams, eds., Christianity, Social Change, and Globalization in the Americas (New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 2001).
****Review Essay Draft Due April 24 by e-mail****
April 28: Conclusion and review essay discussion.
You will read several of your colleagues’ review essay drafts in advance to prepare for this discussion.
May 9: No class, but syllabus and final review essay due.

Additional Bibliography

Includes selected texts from the syllabus.
Textbooks, etc.
Ahlstrom, Sydney. A Religious History of the American People, 2nd edition (Yale University Press, 1972, 2004).
Albanese, Catherine. America: Religions and Religion, 3rd edition (Wadsworth, 1999).
Bacon, Leonard Woolsey. A History of American Chrisitanity (New York: Scribner’s, 1898).
Baird, Robert. Religion in America (New York, 1844).
Butler, Jon, Grant Wacker, and Randall Balmer. Religion in American Life: A Short History (Oxford University Press, 2000, 2003).
Corbett, Julia Mitchell. Religion in America (Prentice-Hall, 1990, 2000).
Dolan, Jay P. The American Catholic Experience (Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1985, 1987).
Dorchester, Daniel. Christianity in the United States (New York, 1890).
Gaustad, Edwin S. and Leigh Eric Schimdt. The Religious History of America, revised edition (HarperSanFrancisco, 2002). First edition by Gaustad (Harper&Row, 1966).
Handy, Robert T. A Christian America: Protestant Hopes and Historical Realities (New York: Oxford University Press, 1971, 1984).
Harvey, Paul & Philip Goff, eds. Themes in Religion and American Culture (UNC, 2004).
Hudson, Winthrop and John Corrigan. Religion in America. Seventh edition. (PrenticeHall, 2002). First edition by Hudson (Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1965).
Mead, Sidney. The Lively Experiment (Harper & Row, 1963).
Mode, Peter G. The Frontier Spirit in American Christianity (New York: The Macmillan Company, 1923).
Noll, Mark. A History of Christianity in the United States and Canada (Eerdmans, 1992).
Sweet,William Warren. The Story of Religions in America (1930).
Wentz, Richard. American Religious Traditions, 2nd ed. (Fortress, 2003).
Williams, Peter. America’s Religions: From their Origins to the Twenty-First Century (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1990, 2002).
Source Books
Ellis, John Tracy. Documents of American Catholic History, 2nd ed. (Chicago, 1989).
Gaustad, Edwin S. and Mark Noll. A Documentary History of Religion in America, 2 vols. (William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1983).
Marcus, Jacob, ed. The Jew in the American World: A Source Book (Wayne State, 1996).
McDannell, ed., Colleen. Religions of the United States in Practice, 2 vols., (Princeton University Press, 2001).
Ruether, Rosemary Radford and Rosemary Keller. Women and Religion in America, 3 vols. (Harper & Row, 1980’s).
_____________. In Our Own Voices: Four Centuries of American Women’s Religious Writing (Harper San Francisco, 2000).
Sernett, Milton. Afro-American Religious History, 2nd ed. (Duke, 2000).
Smith, H. Shelton, Robert Handy, and Lefferts A. Loetscher, eds. American Christianity: an historical interpretation with representative documents, 2 vols. (Scribners, 1960-1963).
Tweed, Thomas & Stephen Prothero. Asian Religions in America (Oxford, 1999).
Allitt, Patrick, ed., Major Problems in American Religious History: Documents and Essays (Houhgton Mifflin, 2000).
Butler, Jon and Harry S. Stout. Religion in American History: A Reader (Oxford University Press, 1998).
Fulop, Timothy and Albert J. Raboteau, eds., African-American Religion: Interpretive Essays in History and Culture (Routledge, 1997).
Hackett, David. Religion and American Culture: A Reader (Routledge, 1995, 2003).
Hall, David, ed, Lived Religion in America (Princeton University Press, 1997).
Porterfield, Amanda, ed. American Religious History (Blackwell Publishers, 2002).
Sarna, Jonathan, ed., Minority Faiths and the American Protestant Mainstream (University of Illinois Press, 1997).
Stout, Harry and D. G. Hart, eds, New Directions in American Religious History (Oxford University Press, 1997).
Tweed, Thomas, ed., Retelling U.S. Religious History (University of California Press, 1997).