
선교사 글 목록, Transactions of the Korea Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society

방가房家 2015. 11. 4. 22:26

왕립아시아학회 한국지부 저널(Transactions of the Korea Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society)에 수록된 선교사들의 글 목록이다. 이 저널에는 초기에 선교사 글이 많았고 점차 학자들의 글이 많아진다. 대략적으로 선별했기 때문에 선교사 아닌 학자들의 글도 포함되었을 수 있다.


대표이름(영문) 저서/논문명 호수 생산년 페이지
Gale, James S.  The Influence of China upon Korea 1 1900 1-24
Hulbert, Homer B.  Korean Survivals and Discussion 1 1900 25-50
Jones, George Heber  Korea's Colossal Image of Buddha 1 1900 57-70
Trollope, Mark N.  Kang-wha 2-1 1902 1-36
Jones, George Heber  The Spirit Worship of the Koreans 2-1 1902 37-58
Gale, James S.  Han-Yang (Seoul) 2-2 1902 1-43
Hulbert, Homer B.  Korean Folk-tales 2-2 1902 45-79
Jones, George Heber  Ch'oe Ch'i-wun: His Life and Times 3 1903 1-17
Collyer, C. T.  The Culture and Preparation of Ginseng in Korea 3 1903 18-30
Gale, James S.  The Korean Alphabet 4-1 1912 12-61
Gillett, P. L.  The Village Gilds of Old Korea 4-2 1912 13-44
Gale, James S.  Selection and Divorce 4-3 1913 17-22
Rufus, W. Carl  The Celestial Planisphere of King Yi Tai-Jo 4-3 1913 23-72
Hodges, Cecil H. N.  A Plea for the Investigation of Korean Myths and Folklore 5 1914 41-53
Bowman, N. H.  The History of Korean Medicine 6-1 1915 1-34
Koons, E. Wade  Afforestation in Korea 6-1 1915 35-42
Gale, James S.  The Pagoda of Seoul 6-2 1915 1-22
Underwood, Horace H.  Hunting and Hunters' Lore in Korea 6-2 1915 23-43
Trollope, Mark N.  Introduction to the Study of Buddhism in Korea 8 1917 1-41
Trollope, Mark N.  Arboretum Coreense, Being a Preliminary Catalogue of the Vernacular Names of Fifty of the Commonest Trees and Shrubs Found in Chosen 9 1918 69-90
Van Buskirk, J. D.  The Climate of Korea, and Its Probable Effect on Human Efficiency 10 1919 3-58
Trollope, Mark N  Arboretum Coreense, Being a Preliminary Catalogue of the Vernacular Names of Fifty of the Commonest Trees and Shrubs Found in Chosen. Part II. 11 1919 39-100
Mills, R. G.  Ecological Studies in the Tong-nai River Basin 12 1921 3-78
Gale, James S.  The Diamond Mountains 13 1922 1-67
van Buskirk, J. D.  Some Common Korean Foods 14 1923 1-8
Hulbert, H. B.  National Examination in Korea 14 1923 9-32
Ludlow, A. I.  Pottery of the Korai Dynasty (924-1392) 14 33-39
Gale, James S.  A Shipwreck (Korean) in 1636 A.D. 15 1924 3-32
Taylor, W. W.  Korean Roads Past and Present 15 1924 33-56
Taylor, W. W.  Development and Trend of the Automotive Transportation in Chosen 15 1924 57-82
Cable, E. M.  Old Korean Bells 16 1925 1-45
Koons, E. Wade  Beacon Fires of Old Korea 16 1925 46-52
Miller, Hugh  A Royal Funeral in Korea 17 1927 15-29
Hunt, Charles  Some Pictures and Painters of Corea 19 1930 1-34
Underwood, Horace H.  Occidental Literature on Korea 20 1931 1-15
Underwood, Horace H.  A Partial Bibliography of Occidental Literature on Korea, From Early Times to 1930 20 1930 17-185
Trollope, Mark Napier  Corean Books and Their Authors, Being an Introduction of Corean Literature 21 1932 1-56
Trollope, Mark Napier  Index of Corean Books and Their Authors 21 1932 57-104
Cumming, Daniel James  Notes on Korean Birds 22 1933 1-67
Underwood, Horace H.  Korean Boats and Ships 23-1 1934 1-90
Boots, John L.  Korean Weapons and Armor 23-2 1934 1-37
Hunt, Charles  Diary of a Trip to Sul-Ak San (Via the Diamond Mountains) 24 1935  1-14
Trollope, Mark Napier  Book Production and Printing in Corea 25 1936 101-107
Rufus, W. Carl  Astronomy in Korea 26 1936 1-48
Cable, E. M.  The United States-Korean Relations 1866-1871 28 1938 1-62
Cable, E. M.  Part II. The Naval Incident Under Rear Admiral John Rodgers 28 1938 63-230
Boots, John L.  Korean Musical Instruments and an Introduction to Korean Music 30 1940 1-32
Underwood, H. H.  Korea Branch Of The Royal Asiatic Society Its Past And Present 31 1948 1-7
Hunt, Charles  The Historic Town of Yo-ju, Its Surroundings and Celebrities 31 1948 24-34
Hunt, Charles  Supplement to Article on Yo-Ju in Vol. XXXI 32 1951 79-82
Rutt, Richard  An Introduction to the Sijo?A Form of Short Korean Poem 34 1958 1-88
Rutt, Richard  The Chinese Learning and Pleasures of a Country Scholar, an account of Traditional Chinese Studies in Rural Korea 36 1960 1-100
Rutt, Richard  The Flower Boys of Silla (Hwarang) 38 1961 1-66
Rutt, Richard  Kim Sakkat, Vagabond Poet 40 1964 59-87
Rutt, Richard  Traditional Korean Poetry Criticism 47 1972 105-143
Underwood, Horace H.  Korean Literature in English: A Critical Bibliography 51 1976 65-115
Rutt, Richard  An Early Koreanologist: Eli Barr Landis, 1865-1898 54 1979 59-100
Underwood, Dorothy C.  Musical Aspects of the Modern Korean Art Song 55 1980 63-84
