게일 사전(1893)의 종교용어들 2
2010. 4. 13. 01:04
게일의 1893년 사전에서 'sprit'을 중심으로 검색해보니 귀신 이름에 관한 명칭뿐만 아니라 의례 행위에 관한 용어들을 풍부하게 발견할 수 있었다.
*의례 명칭
일불제사寅不祭祀 On 인 day there should be no sacrificing to spirits
오사례五謝禮 Sacrifice and thanksgiving to the five spirits of the house: of the kitchen, rooms, stairway, gate, godown.
유혼일遊魂日 The spirits' festival day-one of the unpropitious days in the calendar.
개토제開土祭 The sacrifice offered to the spirit of the mountain on the opening of a grave. See 참파토
백일기도 Prayer (with sacrifice) for a hundred days-as to the spirits of the hills etc.
납평臘平 The winter sacrifice to all the spirits. See 납향.
산신제山神祭 Sacrifice to the guardian spirits of a mountain.
*제사 때 하는 의례 행위
안위安慰하다 To console: to comfort. To sacrifice to demons: to propitiate spirits
운감歆饗하다 To inhale the sacrificial food-of the spirits.
유식侑食하다 To leave the spirits in quietness to partake of the sacrifice
합문闔門하다 To close the doors of an ancestral room-in order that th spirit may inhale the sacrifice.
흠향歆饗하다 To scent the odor of food-as spirits in sacrifice.
고유告諭하다 To invoke-the spirits. See 고축하다.
고사지내다 To offer sacrifices-to guardian spirits.
고축告祝하다 To invoke-as the spirits. See 고유하다.
귀명鬼命 An offering to spirits.
발복發福하다 To grow prosperous; to become happy-as the result of the favor of propitious spirits.
푸닥거리賽神 Sacrificing and praying-to the spirits.
산매들리다接邪 To be possessed of a spirit; to be mad.
살맞다 中殺 To meet a noxious influence and die; to die from injuries inflicted by evil spirits; to die suddenly.
사신하다 辭神 To bid farewell to the spirit at the close of a sacrifice.
성주바지 成造 Accompanying the spirit of the home into its quarters in a new house-by sacrifice etc.
신차神借 Praying for spirit strength-in contrast to supernatural strength gained from medicine. Also 산신차. See 약차.
시주施主 The giving of money etc. for sacrifice to Buddha and the spirits.
대나리다 To shake-as the spirit bamboo, during divination.
대잡다 To hold the spirit bamboo-while the diviner reads.
퇴신하다神 To rid oneself of evil spirits-by feeding them and ordering them to begone.
통신하다 通神 To move the spirits. See 통령하다.
제지내다 奉祭 To sacrifice; to make an offering to spirits.
천신하다 薦新 To sacrifice the first-fruits to the spirits.
치성致誠 A sacrifice-to spirits.
초혼하다 招魂 To give the coat to the spirit of the deceased.
축귀하다 逐鬼 To drive off evil spirits; to cast out devils. See 축사하다.
신풀이 Following the dictates of a spirit that has taken possession of one.
*의례 관련 아이템/장소
오래 A collection of rice-in spirit worship. (Prov.) The call for pigs. A stranger's knot.
요여繇輿 The chair on which the spirit of the dead returns from the funeral.
위패位牌 Tablets in honor of the spirits of the dead.
윤포 Sackcloth used in spirit worship. See 추포
경쇠磬- A bell; a rattle-used by blind sorcerers to call the spirits.
마가목馬哥木 A kind of tree from which walking sticks are made-said to ward off evil spirits.
벽사문辟邪文 Writings-to ward off evil spirits. See 축사경.
부작符書 A spirit charm; spells; amulets.
노구메壚口飯 Sacrificial rice-as offered to the spirit of the hills.
류목동柳木童 An image of a child made from a willow tree-used in calling the spirits.
삽전 翣 A kind of decorated paper banner-carried at funerals to frighten away evil spirits etc. See 명정.
소여小輿 A sham coffin and cortege preceding the real remains at a royal funeral-a device to cheat malignant spirits. Opp. 대여.
정공등丁公藤 A kind of tree from which walking sticks are made said to ward off evil spirits.
진언眞諺 Prayers; forms used to ward off evil spirits. See 주문.
지전紙錢 Paper money. Paper coins-offered to the spirits. See 지표.
죽사마竹駟馬 A large bamboo horse, brunt at a royal grave, on which the spirit rides away.
업집 A shanty or outhouse, with but one slope of roof-where spirits are worshipped
산제당山祭堂 A mountain shrine where sacrifice is offered to spirits. See 산신당.
복복복 The call to the spirit of the dead-in order to have it leave the room.
쒝쒝 A call accompanied by the throwing of beans-said to drive off malignant spirits.
옥추경玉樞經 A book-on spiritualism
영주瀛洲 A spirit mountain; a fairy-land
고령석古靈石 An ancient spirit stone.
봉신대封神臺 The place of departed spirits; the home of the soul.
수살막이 A pole surmounted by a duck planted as a spirit guardian before a ravine or opening in the hills.
수구막이 水口防 An opening in the hills. Wooden images planted as spirit guardians before a mountain ravine.
동테 動頉 Retributive disease-for having offended the spirits by molesting a grave site, cutting ancestral trees etc. Also 동티(나다).
뒤풀이 開諭 Explanations; interpretations-as at the dismissal of the spirits at the close of a seance of divination.